Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (WELCA) is a service and outreach group for women across the entire ELCA.

What Sew Ever- For decades, the women and children of First Lutheran have been gathering to piece together quilts and blankets for those who are in need. Recipients of these quilts and blankets include: Lutheran World Relief, Children’s hospitals in the area, the VA hospital-Topeka, and newborns in the congregation. This ministry group meets every Wednesday. Contact the church office for more details. Come se with us!

Some photos from our Quilt Sunday. Over 100 quilts to Lutheran World Relief, VA Hospital in Topeka, and LifeHouse Child Advocacy Center.

Here are the quilts that were blessed on September 25, 2016. Look how they cover most of the pews! What an amazing gift these women are doing for those in need!

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